速報APP / 教育 / Adv Argentine Tango Vol 4

Adv Argentine Tango Vol 4





版本需求:Android 2.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:6305 SE Foster Rd. Portland, OR 97206

Adv Argentine Tango Vol 4(圖1)-速報App

Learn Argentine Tango with Alex Krebs Vol 4: Advanced Movements in Argentine Tango

In this instructional app you will learn the basics of dancing Argentine Tango.

Alex Krebs, internationally reknown dancer/teacher, will guide you step by step on the more advanced material in the dance, including colgadas, soltadas, and back sacadas.

App includes over 28 minutes of total video, in English, explaining in depth the technique for leaders and followers.

Videos are separated into themes, including:

1. Welcome

2. Colgadas

3. Follower's Front Sacadas

4. Follower's Back Sacadas

Adv Argentine Tango Vol 4(圖2)-速報App

5. Leader's Back Sacadas

6. Soltadas

7. Combining the Elements #1

8. Combining the Elements #2

9. Combining the Elements #3

10. Combining the Elements #4

11. Combining the Elements #5

12. Demo Using All the Elements

13. Etiquette

Alex Krebs is joined by established dancer/teacher Jenna Rohrbacher.

Videos are filmed at Tango Berretin studio.